Thomas Ingvarsson picture of Thomas Ingvarsson

Front End Dev Student

Who am I?

I´m a down to earth person who like to have structure and order in the daily life, if possible. But I also like things that twists routines around and make you think outside the box. It´s important to have an open mind and be able to handle stress when it comes to changes in either work or daily life. And the rewards from managing these challenges are absolut thrilling sometimes. During all my years in the service business I´ve learned a lot about myself when it comes to handle conflicts with either a customer or a task that´s challenging. Be humble and take step back and reassess is a good tip. The best part of working in a team is the support and confidence you build up together and help others to achieve their goals. I like to have responsibility, because it gives me the chance to show what I'm capable of. In my spare time my family comes first, after that I unwind with either videogames or an outdoor photo session.

Why Front End?

After almost 20 years in customer service business, I´ve decided to take the giant step to head back to school to chase an old dream. And that is to work in the IT business. After some collaboration with some friends who works in different It-areas, I realized that i want to work with problem-solving but at the same time being creative. And here is where the Front-end development comes in. As far as I know today, it fills all my expectations of what I want to work with. I want a challenge, and this is the way.



Global Form Solutions

Link to the project
Form service - NextJs & T3
Created: 2023-12-04

GlobalForm-Solutions is a collaborative project undertaken by three classmates as part of our final thesis. The project focuses on building a web application that allows users to create forms and share them with friends or events. We have utilized the Next.js framework with the T3 stack to set up the project.

Gents Hats

Gents Hat - Webshop

webshop using React TS.
Created: 2023-04-2

It has a fully functional cart and checkout function. you can edit your order. You have to fill in a checkout-form to be able to place the order. It also have an admin user where you can edit/add or delete products. Used yup as validation librarie.

Link to the project
Lago di Braies

The Quizie-quiz game

A quiz game built with React TS and JSS using an API for the whole game.
Created: 2023-03-01

It uses a API to fetch the random questions and answers. The game takes your answers and compare them to the correct ones and displays numbers of right answers in the end of the round. .

Link to the game
Lago di Braies

Moon Mission a p5,js game

Based a game on p5.Js. Action space shooter game
Created: 2022-12-21

Here we should base the game on using p5.js. It was a challenge but it came togehter pretty good.

Link to the game
Lago di Braies

The Landlord Game

Text based game made with JavaScript and some Html & Css
Created: 2022-11-21

The task with this project was to build a textbased interactive game with use of JavaScript. There are diffrent outcomings depending on what choices you do in the game.

Link to the game
Lago di Braies

Copy of frontpage

Made the startpage of from sratch with my classmate Simon Bengtsson. Html & Css used.
Created: 2022-10-15

Not all links are functional and the search function is not active. And the content of images has been reduced in this project.

Link to the project
Lago di Braies

Re-make of SmallChurchMusic

Project was to take an old webpage and modernise it with my classmate Simon Bengtsson. Used Html & Css
Created: 2022-10-05

The orginal homepage had alot of elements that we tried to keep due to regular visitors. Not all links are functional and the search function is not active.

Link to the project